Day 20/Oct 1 El Camino/Santiago

Chris and I went to our usual cafe for breakfast bringing Di her cafe con leche and Santiago cake. We left Di in the room to rest all day while Chris and I saw the San Francisco church, roamed the streets and bought a few trinkets for our loves back home. A big treat of the day was returning to a vegetarian/vegan cafe we saw when we returned from the bus to Finisterre. I could have ordered everything on their beautiful menu. We started with baba ghanoush with warm pita then on to chicken curry for Chris and vegetable curry for me. At the end of the day on Saturday, I said I have to find some fruit!! We had not been seeing any super Mercado’s. We turned the corner and there was a fruit store. Sunday morning I said I just want some veggies, maybe stir fry, grilled? Whatever. And then we remembered the restaurant we passed the night before. Perfecto!! Di is tired of bread, we are tired of pilgrim meals and want fresh food. I am not tired of croissants yet.

Di spent the whole day in bed. She slept all morning then read in the afternoon. She dropped a lot of fluid during the day and her left leg feels good but her right is still in pain. It is hard for her not to be out and about with us but the rest is good.

We bought vino blanco in our hotel bar, and agua grande with three glasses, bought three large salads for dinner and feasted with Di at the end of the day. Oh, yes, Chris and I found a pastry shop on the way back with salads and brought Di and us a chocolate whip cream delight.

This whole post has been about food. I am not sure what that is saying but probably that we are ready to return to our own food routines. I am wondering, however, what I will do without my empanada chocolate every morning. (Chocolate filled croissant)

A few photos: a rare depiction of Joseph dying with Jesus and Mary and an angel. after being removed from the cross, walking the town and food.


I am aware when I awake this morning the gradual shift internally that is happening as we are done walking the Camino and immersed in a city. It is subtle but the feeling of all pervasive love that is beyond what we call love, that I felt on the Camino, is diminishing with the activity of the city sights and sounds and energy. I noticed this pervasive love beginning in the walk, step after step, one with nature, but even as Di and I created a different Camino it stayed

present. It is said, and it is true as it is with any retreat that I have entered, the Camino really starts when you enter back into your life, creating spaces in each step for that all pervasive love to enter and be present in all relationships and activities. It is the Camino, the removal from our normal day that shows us this other reality that we long for, that fills our hearts and minds with a centered peace and love of all.

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