The Moment of Uncertainty

One World: On the Journey
Janis Dehler
In the teen years, life calls her forward, 
Stepping out from home, family, childhood.

Not that she won’t someday return
but that she needs to scratch the itch of curiosity.

As many before, she walks out, alone among many, 
challenging habits, ways of thinking, learned perceptions.

She asks: who sees me? Who acknowledges me? 
What is here for me?
One day in the seeking future,
She sits in quiet, she listens to her heart,
In that moment of uncertainty, a voice is heard,
I see you. I know you. I believe in you.

Then the knowing arises,
I am seen as I see.
I am known as I know.
I am loved as I love.

I am home.

@Janis Dehler