Infinite Stillness

Today, goldfinch perches on a tranquil tree
with no breeze, nor rustle to disturb. She rests
with trust and looks out into the world ready
to fly when she must yet, she feels no call to do so.
She studies the world around her as she watches and waits
for the moment when all is alive within her.
When her beating heart is in tune with the sound of the universe,
it is then, she takes wing and soars.

“The dance had distilled her, and she had become one with the essence of all that is.”
― Holly Lynn Payne

“Meditation is the process of entering into a receptive state and letting the goodness of the universe fill you. It is dipping your toe into a pool of infinite stillness.”
― Amy Leigh Mercree

“Your greatest teacher is the One with you always”
― Leland Lewis

The Dive

In my kayak 
I float on water 
under the sun 
tickled by a breeze.
Clouds drift, 
rain drops splash, 
while loon teaches 
her young 
to dive to life 
under the surface. 
Like loon, I descend 
to what lies beneath 
sensory perception, 
in search of sustenance 
for my journey.  

Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise. You are the love and joy beneath the pain.

Eckhart Tolle

“Hold this rope while I dive into my soul; don’t even bother pulling it if I didn’t come up on my own.” 

Ahmed Mostafa

“I will dive into my chaos, and my Abyss will turn it into an art scene.” 

― Talismanist Giebra, Talismanist: Fragments of the Ancient Fire. Philosophy of Fragmentism Series.

For Ongoing resource List: Reading for Heart and Mind