They arrive at noon bearing food and gifts, bringing love and light within their hearts for all to share, whether laughter or tears, cookies or bread, it’s all spread about, as we mark forty-seven years of opening our door on this night, to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our family tradition.
Some of us are church goers, others do not partake, but the truth of this is, it matters not, as we celebrate the light, shining within each heart. Some days it dims as the weight of loss pushes down, but we know it is here, as we spread hugs all around.
Our oldest was two when it all began; now, new little boys toddle in laughter with visions of play. We lost a generation through these years, yet time brings new babes as life’s story gets told.
The light of solstice, the light of the Christ, the light found in Buddha, and Amma, a Hindu saint, whether the Tao, or the Bhagavad-Gita, the Tanakh, the Bible, the words from the Koran, or of our dear mother earth, I am formed by it all, in truth profound.
What rests at the core: love, compassion, wisdom, and giving as we are able. For me, the true message for us to gain. Welcome arms open to all, each in their own spirit found. May our oneness be proclaimed, at this, our blessed table.