The Last Breath

When my baby lay dying,
we called all to our home to meet her,
to hold her, to kiss her goodbye. 
When everyone departed, we lay on our bed 
with baby at rest, spooned between, 
and I slept.
While I was sleeping, she took her last breath, 
swaddled in a yellow rose blanket, 
smelling of powder and lotion. 

When my father lay dying, 
We were called to his side.
We sat, stood around the bed,
told stories, laughed, wiped tears,
and sighed. After a night and a day 
I walked out to rest. 
While I slept, 
he took his last breath. Then we sat 
and waited and remembered as 
his spirit fully left.

When my mother lay dying,
we called all to her home, as we 
sat, cooked, ate, and talked, laughed, 
and cried, for five days and nights. 
At dusk she lay quiet.
Leaving my brother to sit vigil,
I slept. 
She took her last breath.
Seconds later, I was at her side.
We washed her body and adorned 
her with rose petals and oil.

When my sister lay dying, 
I slept in my bed,
then awakened from a phone call 
to rush to her side after she drew 
her last breath. I sat with tears, 
spoke to her spirit as memories of 
her sweetness and her challenges 
washed over me— the joy, the delight, 
the losses that formed her life.

Now, I wonder, 
will I wake before I die?

“Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now, take what’s left and live it properly. What doesn’t transmit light creates its own darkness.”

Marcus Aurelius

“If you are living every experience fully, then death doesn’t take anything from you. There’s nothing to take because you’re already fulfilled. That’s why the wise being is always ready to die.”


“Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to ‘die before you die’ and find that there is no death.” 

Eckhart Tolle

For Ongoing resource List: Reading for Heart and Mind

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8 thoughts on “The Last Breath”

  1. Jan, a beautiful poem, reflection, and question.


    Frank and Kathy Schweigert

    1655 Blair Avenue

    Saint Paul, MN 55104

    Home: 651-645-4953

    Mobile: 651-208-5621

  2. Death happens in the midst of living – as you have so beautifully portrayed – and leaves us pondering. Your poem is beautiful and haunting. Such sorrow.

  3. Wow, Jan — this one is especially powerful! I am grateful to be on your list. Blessings, Chris

  4. Wow, Jan – this is especially powerful. I am grateful to be on your list. Blessings, Chris

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