A Hard Freeze to Thaw

I watch Spirit River, day after day,

while ice forms; now found at the edges,

then to expand towards center.

As days and nights reach single digits,

the river will appear as one solid mass,

creating the illusion of strength;

we feel fear as we move closer.

Like the heart after hurt, loss, anger,

or long held resentment, the frozen

solid shield protects the truth found hidden

deep, where life continues to flow,

waiting for the crack that forms

when the pressure insists, or when spring

thaw allows the life beneath into the light of day.

“Everyone we meet has wounds upon their heart.
Everyone is waiting for someone to scatter the seeds of love amongst their tears and to be patient enough to wait for their beautiful fragrance of dreams to awaken once more.”

Mimi Novic, Guidebook To Your Heart

“Time heals all wounds, I’m sure it’s true, but not until after the wounds have been felt.”

Lisa Grunwald, New Year’s Eve

“Heart breaking is heart in making,
Wounds bleeding are wonders in making.”

Abhijit Naskar, Aşk Mafia: Armor of The World

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4 thoughts on “A Hard Freeze to Thaw”

  1. I like that..the river flowing and changing with the seasons is so much like life, even when it freezes.

  2. Profoundly true. Thank you.


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