In this season:
love abounds,
the full moon rises,
lights shine,
candles are lit,
while we draw near.

We wonder:
How do we enter?
How do we gain?

We remember:
there is no gain,
there is no loss,
in an endless supply
of love, joy,
and compassion.

Always and ever:
as we need, as we open,
as we allow and release
that which is not needed,
does not support,
does not bring life.

We open to All:
to life, to love, and rejoice
in the season of light and love,
which is now and always,
never ending,
in endless supply.

(Image my own)

“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are.”

-Eckhart Tolle

“Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.”


“Under the anger, under the fear, under the despair, under the broken heartedness, there is a radiance that has never been harmed, that has never been lost, that is the truth of who one is.”


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9 thoughts on “NOW AND ALWAYS”

  1. Beautiful and lovely as always, dear beautiful and lovely Janis!Happy SOULstice & Holidays!💋❤️💋 SageSent from my iPhone

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